Timmins Press :: The Day The Ocean Stood Still

Every time I look out over a body of water, whether it is a lake, a river or even an ocean, I always think of Weeneebek, or what is known as James Bay in the English language. My father Marius Kataquapit was an expert boater who had travelled on this water on a freighter canoe all his life. He often took us out as children as a teaching on the water. Those trips were always fun but they were often difficult and sometimes even miserable as the Weeneebek was rarely calm and most often a rough sea of powerful cold waves and huge ocean swells that challenged us on every trip.

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Wawatay News :: Better Health Care For James Bay

There has been some good news lately in honouring agreements and righting wrongs when it comes to Indigenous peoples on the James Bay coast. The big news recently was the announcement of 1.2 billion dollars for the Weeneebayko Area Health Authority (WAHA) in regards to their Hospital Redevelopment Project.

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Wawatay News :: Righting The Wrongs Of The Past

We have proof that when governments work together good things can happen and that was demonstrated in Matachewan First Nation when the community announced recently the settlement of a Treaty Land Entitlement (TLE) claim. The announcement was made on May 25, by Chief Alex ‘Sonny’ Batisse of Matachewan FN, along with Will Bouma, Parliamentary Assistant to the Ontario Minister of Indigenous Affairs on behalf of the Honourable Greg Rickford and also by the Honourable Gary Anandasangaree, Canada’s Minister of Crown–Indigenous Relations. This TLE was formed under Treaty #9, also known as the James Bay Treaty, which the community originally signed onto in 1906.

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Wawatay News :: The Times They Are A-Changin’ … again

Recently I was involved in a discussion with my partner and some of his friends who came of age in the 1960s. Our discussion was all about how upside down the world is these days with wars going on in the Ukraine and Gaza killing many thousands of people and destroying cities. It is interesting to hear from people who grew up in the 1960s and 70s because they bring an historical background to what is happening now. Many people I know were part of the hippie and counter culture movement of the time.

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Wawatay News :: In The Spirit Of The Traditional Hunt

It looks like the swallows are back and that is a sure sign of spring and warmer weather to come. A couple of weeks ago I heard the honking of Niska (Canada geese) as they paused to take a break on the field behind our house here in Kirkland Lake. They seemed to have moved on now and have arrived at their summer destinations on the shore of James Bay.

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Timmins Press :: Time Keeps On Slipping

I have learned a few things in being on this earth for almost 5 decades and one of them is to live in the moment. Ever since my partner ended up with a lung disease I have been even more aware of how important it is to savour life, be kind as much as possible and to find joy in the work you do. This is not always easy but I find it leads to a more happy existence.

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Wawatay News :: Working Together Brings Great Results

There have been so many changes over the past couple of decades for Indigenous First Nations and I am amazed at how life has changed for many people. Most of the changes have been for the good and that of course has to do with more access to education and employment opportunities. Sadly, we have also experienced a terrible time of drug addiction in our communities that have made life difficult for a lot of people and many have died.

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